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appraising meeting of scientific and technological achievements & inspection meeting of “national science-technology support plan” project was held successfully


onthe afternoon of june23, appraising meeting of anaerobic fermentation treatmenttechnology achievements which was finished by ensign industry and beijingtechnology and business university was held in the 1st meeting room of ensignindustry successfully.

on the morning of june24,inspection meeting of “nationalscience-technology support plan” project was held successfully in changle,weifang, and ensign industry, as the participant who undertook and finished theproject together with tsinghua university, beijing technology and businessuniversity, and shandong polytechnic university, etc. attended this meeting. byonsite checking, reading written materials, listening report and debriefingdiscussion, experts committee agreed that anaerobic fermentation treatment newtechnology has achieved international advance level and inspection wasapprovedsuccessfully, which fully showed strength of ensign industry co., ltd.in citric acid industry meanwhile accumulated abundant experience for majorscientific and technological project at national, ministerial andprovincial-level in future.



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