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the spring hiking of ensign industry came to a successful end


on april 16, 2021, ensign industry held ahalf-day hiking.with the theme of “get close to nature and challengeyourself”, this activity aims to hone the will ofemployees, enhance their physical fitness, guide them to travel green, care forthe natural environment, and carry forward the ensign spirit of“strivingconstantly for self-improvement, commitment to excellence”.

more than 120 people participated in thisactivity. the hiking team started from gate no. 1 of the company and passedthrough main roads such as changsheng street, hengan street and tourist road.the whole journey was 20.8 kilometers and lasted 4 hours and completed the hikesuccessfully.

during the hiking activities, our employeesof ensign were in high spirits and went out on the street in an orderly manner.along the way, the flags were raised high and the slogans were loud. theyhelped and supported each other.

this hiking activity increased theopportunity for employees to get close to nature, broadened their vision, honedtheir personal will, and enhanced their awareness of environmental protection.this isnot just an experience, but also a spirit. the long queue, full of vitality andpassion, shows our good spirit of “unity is strength”.


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